As the largest youth soccer organization in the Commonwealth of Virginia, Loudoun Soccer relies on a large network of volunteers to carry out the Club's mission in a number of capacities.
Whether you're a parent or a player--or even if you just love the game and your community--we welcome your time and your expertise!
To learn how to volunteer with Loudoun Soccer, contact Alex Jaeger, our Volunteer Coordinator, at alex.jaeger@loudounsoccer.com.
One of our Core Values at Loudoun Soccer is Stewardship – of both the game and the community. Join and support Virginia’s biggest and best soccer club by volunteering in any of the following ways:
Coach in our Rec Program: enthusiastic leaders are needed to oversee our Recreational teams on a seasonal basis, either as a Head Coach or as an Assistant Coach. While most of our volunteer coaches are parents coaching their child’s team, anyone can also volunteer to give back to the game and to their community. For more information, visit our Coaching Info Center.
Help our Rec Program: organizing nearly 700 teams each season requires a lot of volunteers. Whether it’s as an Age Group Coordinator (AGC) or helping to distribute equipment, we can use your help. To volunteer, contact:
Help our Events: we host several events throughout the year – the Fall Kickoff in September, Casino Night in November, College Showcase tournament in March, and several in-between! – each requiring volunteers during the event as well as with pre and post-event tasks. To lend a hand with any of our events, contact events@loudounsoccer.com.
Use your Talent – Join a Committee: Loudoun Soccer’s operation includes three standing committees, which can use talented individuals:
Do you have a skill set or network outside of these areas and would still like to help? Contact Mark Ryan, Chief Executive Officer, at mark.ryan@loudounsoccer.com.
If you're looking for other ways to support Loudoun Soccer, read on!
Donate Money: Loudoun Soccer provides over $100K of financial assistance each year, allowing players to participate in the beautiful game. Donations allow us to support more players. To donate, visit this page (donations can be considered charitable for tax purposes).
Donate Gear and Uniforms: new and gently used equipment is collected throughout the year, and provided to disadvantaged children both locally and across the globe (Africa, Haiti), often in conjunction with outside organizations such as Leveling the Playing Field. Donation stations are available at our Fall Festival (October) and Spring Jamboree (June) events and year-round in the club office.
Sponsor and Advertise: Loudoun Soccer offers our Sponsors and Community Partners exposure to a large and unique audience. Through showcasing your products and services to our members and their families, over 8,000 per season, Loudoun Soccer offers the ability to integrate your company into this appealing lifestyle activity. For more information, visit our Sponsorship page.