Loudoun Soccer offers a variety of refereeing opportunities for new and experienced referees. (Games are hosted in Fall and Spring unless otherwise noted.)

  • Recreational (Grades 1-12)
  • Travel Leagues (U8-U19)
  • NCSL
  • ECNL*
  • USL-Y (Summer)
  • Travel Tournaments
  • Loudoun Soccer College Showcase (early March)
  • Premier Cup (mid-August)
  • Adult League (Weeknights year-round at Loudoun Soccer Park)

*These elite level games are available to approved referees only. To qualify to work ECNL games, refs must undergo an observation and approval by a senior referee.


    How to Become a Referee

    To certify as a new referee, you must take a referee course and pass a test. No previous playing experience is required.  The minimum age to register and certify is 13 years old. 

    To register for a New Referee class, visit the Metro DC-Virginia State Referee Program page. Once you've completed training, you're ready to advance to Working for Loudoun Soccer.


    Referees must recertify EVERY YEAR. Certification expires on December 31 of the year listed on your badge. To learn how to recertify, click here.


    For general questions, complaints or compliments about referee performance, contact Ray Johnson, Referee Development Coordinator for Loudoun Soccer at

    For questions about becoming a referee, getting set up to work for Loudoun Soccer, or how game assignments work, contact Tammy Mitchell at

    Loudoun Soccer's three ref assignors each manage a separate area. Contact the appropriate assignor below:


    South Riding & Leesburg

    Jim Kennedy:


    Ashburn & Western Loudoun

    Barry Hunt:



    ADULT LEAGUE (weeknights at Loudoun Soccer Park)


    Tammy Mitchell:


    Loudoun Soccer uses The Assignr System for scheduling referees for games.  To sign up for Loudoun Soccer games, follow the instructions below.

    1. If you already have an Assignr account

    • Login to Assignr and click on your name in the top right corner

    • Select ‘My Account’

    • If you have missing profile information, complete that and select ‘Save’ at the bottom of the page

    • You will see another screen and near the bottom left you should see your ‘Account Key’

    • Copy your Account Key and send to Kim Kennedy at, along with your first and last name

    2. If you do not have an Assignr account

    • Provide your first and last name, and the email address you want to use for soccer assignments, to Kim Kennedy at 

    3. Once we receive your information, you will be added to our system and you will receive an email from with further instructions.


    Help articles:

    Update Profile Instructions

    Adding W9 and Bank Information

    Requesting Games

    Find detailed instructions on how to pick up games: Assignr instructions for requesting games.

    When filtering the game listing, new refs should select "Rec" in the League field, as they are the best games for new referees.


    (Center Ref Only)

    K = U6

    GR1 = U7

    GR2 = U8

    GR3 = U9

    GR4 = U10

    (Center & AR)

    GR5 = U11

    GR6 = U12

    GR7 = U13

    GR8 = U14

    HS = U16 / U19

    After completing your game request(s), notify the appropriate assignor for that group via email to make them aware of a new request. Include the date, field, and time. This will expedite your approval process, as assignors do not receive notifications of new requests.


    Game Reporting

    All game reports are submitted by the Center referee into the Assignr system. (Assistant referees do not submit a game report.) Game reports are due within 48 hours of the game. This is how you get paid! Instructions for submitting a game report can be found here

    Use the narrative section in the game report to explain or elaborate on:

    • If you remove or change the name of an AR.
    • Any misconduct.
    • Constructive feedback on ARs, coaches, teams, spectators, etc.
    • Any other comments regarding the game.

    If you issue any red cards, notify your Assignor and the Loudoun Soccer Referee Development Coordinator ( within 24 hours.


    Referee Uniform and Equipment

    [under construction]

    The following pertains to referee uniforms and equipment governed by the United States Soccer Federation (USSF), and furthermore with details specific to Loudoun Soccer. Other governing bodies such as AYSO, National Federation of High Schools, and the NCAA have different standards.

    Required Items:

    • Referee jersey (yellow) 
    • Black shorts 
    • Black referee socks 
    • Watch – digital wristwatch with timer or stopwatch – use of a mobile phone as a watch is NOT permitted
    • Set of disciplinary cards (red and yellow cards)
    • Whistle
    • Set of Assistant Referee’s flags
    • Score pad (can be an official report document, a Loudoun Soccer issued score card, a 3×5 index card, etc.) to record game data (goals, bookings, etc.)
    • Writing instrument (pen or pencil)
    • Velcro disk sticker (to affix your USSF patch to your jersey)
    • Coin for the coin toss

    Starter kits containing most of these items are available for sale for approximately $50 plus shipping (see below regarding How to Purchase Uniforms and Equipment).

    Additional, suggested items are:

    Alternate referee jerseys (color and/or sleeve length – see below regarding Additional Details on Jerseys)

    Bag or backpack to carry equipment

    Spare whistle

    Spare writing instrument

    Spare watch

    Air pump and inflation needle


    Black hat (referees may wear a hat to protect against the sun but should not wear sunglasses; prescription glasses with transition lenses are permitted)

    Water or sports drinks

    Healthy snacks (ideally nonperishable items in case you forget about them in your bag)

    A garbage bag to cover your referee bag in the event it rains

    Foldable chair to sit on in between matches.

    Additional Details on Jerseys

    Jerseys must conform to USSF standards. Currently, there are ten (10) versions of jerseys in use: five different colors, and two versions of each color (short or long-sleeved). Please visit this page to see USSF guidelines and uniform provider information.

    Jersey styles changed in July 2016, with a new, sleeker look implemented. Referees were given until 2018 to phase out the old style from their wardrobe; referees purchasing jerseys (either as new officials acquiring a jersey for the first time, or current referees adding or replacing jerseys in their collection) should purchase the new style.

    The primary color for all referees is yellow. All new referees should acquire a yellow short-sleeved jersey first. Referees who only desire to officiate Loudoun Soccer Recreation matches (Grades 8 and younger) can manage to do so only with a yellow referee jersey.

    Referees who plan to officiate for several years, aspire to work Travel matches, and/or accept games outside of Loudoun Soccer should acquire other colors in the following suggested order: Green, Blue, Black, Red (red is last due to the likelihood of a Loudoun Soccer team wearing that color for matches).

    Referees who work higher level matches and/or work year-round may wish to acquire long-sleeved versions of the jerseys too.

    Jerseys (all colors and both sleeve lengths) typically come in two price points: Pro and Economy. Pro jerseys feature zipper collars, mesh vents, and velcro-closed pockets; Economy jerseys are less expensive, and feature open collars and open pockets. More serious and committed referees should invest in Pro jerseys.

    Referees may wear a black undershirt underneath their jersey (many referees wear a performance, wicking fabric to help keep them cool). This undershirt if worn MUST be black. In lieu of long-sleeve jerseys, referees may wear a long-sleeved black undershirt under their short-sleeved jersey in colder temperatures.

    Additional Details on Uniforms

    The purpose of a referee’s uniform is to distinguish themselves from the players on the field. To achieve this, take note and follow through on details regarding shorts, socks, and shoes. Newly certified referees and those who are only working Recreational matches have more leeway with these items; however, looking professional is part of the expectation for all referees, so all referees regardless of level should take note and act accordingly:

    Shorts: Shorts should be all black, except for a manufacturer’s logo (if applicable). Referee shorts often have pockets, too. Referees should not wear shorts like the players, which often include a white trim or piping and do not have pockets.

    Socks: Referees should wear black socks, pulled up high below the knee. The official sock style is now the two-stripe version, with stripes at the shins. These are also available through Official Sports (see below regarding ordering your uniform).

    Referees should wear designated referee socks, and not black socks worn by players (e.g. the socks their Travel team wears, or branded socks from Adidas or Nike).

    Shoes:  Referee footwear (cleats, turfs, etc.) should be all black, save for any branding. It’s important that referee footwear is black so it’s distinguishable from players’ footwear, as players often have their heads down toward the ground. Player footwear tends to be bright colors and styles, which means wearing black footwear is preferable.

    How and Where to Purchase Uniforms and Equipment

    Referees may purchase uniforms and equipment from any vendor that is convenient. Some may wish to purchase them from local brick-and-mortar stores, while others may choose to purchase from online retailers.

    Official Sports is the exclusive referee uniform supplier to US Soccer, and uniforms and equipment can be ordered directly from their website:

    Newly certified referees can purchase Starter Kits from them, which include the following in both Pro and Economy styles in both men’s and women’s cut jerseys:

    7 Piece: jersey (yellow), black shorts, black socks, whistle, wrist lanyard, red/yellow cards, Velcro disk patch

    10 Piece (recommended): same as 7 piece with data wallet, scorepad, and AR flags

    11 Piece: same as 10 piece with bag or stringsack

    Individual uniform and equipment pieces (e.g. another jersey, or a second pair of socks, etc.) can also be purchased.

    Local retailers who may carry referee equipment:

    Sterling Soccer – 47100 Community Plaza #128, Sterling, VA 2016, 703.430.2566


    FIFA Laws of the Game

    Link to current version of the Laws.

    Download the Laws of the Game app to your mobile device.

    Rec Program Modifications

    Summary Chart of Rec Modifications

    Kicks from the Mark procedure - NEW

    7v7 Build Out Line Memo (Grades 3-4, 9U-10U)

    In response to the US Soccer Memo regarding the Use of Electronic Communication Kits on July 6, 2021, Loudoun Soccer hereby authorizes the use of Electronic Communication Kits for Grassroots referees assigned to club recreational matches and Loudoun Soccer-sponsored tournaments for the purposes of referee training, mentoring, and instruction.

    Travel Leagues

    NCSL Rules and Procedures

    NCSL One-Page "Cheat Sheet"

    ECNL Referee Guidelines

    ECNL Regional League Guidelines

    EDP Referee Guidelines 

    ECNL & ECNL-RL Referee Match Process

    Virginia State Championships rules (US Club State Cup)

    Adult League Rules/Modifications:

    NCAA Rules for Patrick Henry


    Field Status

    In case of inclement weather, consult the Loudoun Soccer Field Status page for guidance. Check back frequently for updates.

    Field Directions/Maps

    Before your games, make sure you know where your field is located. You can find site addresses and field maps on the Loudoun Soccer Field Directory page

    Many sites have multiple fields, so check the online field map prior to your games to locate your specific field. Particularly, Bolen Park and Hanson Park, which are very large sites, have more than one street address, with many fields.

    No-Show Teams

    On rare occasions, you will arrive at an assignment where no teams have show, up.  If that unlikely event, verify that you are at the correct field, and then contact your assignor to let them know. If no teams arrive within 15 minutes past the start time, you can consider that game cancelled.  The center referee should report the game score as 0-0, and include a comment in about no teams showing up.  (All refs will be paid.)


    About Referee Compensation Rates

    • For games assigned by Loudoun Soccer, referees are paid a set per-game rate based on game level.  
    • Payment is issued electronically via Assignr. 
    • Referees who earn $600 or more in a calendar year will receive a 1099 tax form.
    • Referees accrue bonuses based on the game level.
    • To help offset certification costs, newly-certified referees (first season officiating) earning six (6) bonus points will receive an extra $50.
    • For details on compensation, payment procedures, and  bonus points, consult the tables below.

    Keeping your commitments:

    Working as a referee is job, requiring you to follow through with working your accepted assignments.  In the event you can’t work your assigned games, you need to notify the appropriate assignor immediately.  Make sure you manage your calendar and do not double book yourself.  Your schedule is your responsibility.

    Any games turned back within three days of the scheduled game is considered late.  In that case, you need to find your own replacement or you will be fined half of the amount you would have earn for the games.  We do make exceptions to this rule because of illness, injury or last-minute emergencies.  The key is to communicate with your assignor.

    Not showing up for assigned games without telling your assignor is unacceptable.  In that case, you are fined for the full amount you would have earned for working the games.

    Fines are deducted from your payouts until they are fully paid.  Repeated cases of late turn backs and/or not showing up for assigned games, will result in you being removed from the Loudoun Soccer referee roles.

Age Center Assistant Bonus Points
GRK 20 -- 0.5
GR1 20 -- 0.5
GR2 20 -- 0.5
GR3 30 -- 0.5
GR4 30 -- 0.5
GR5 45 20 0.75
GR6 45 20 0.75
GR7 50 20 1
GR8 50 20 1
U16 57 32 1.25
U19 65 40 1.25
Age Center Assistant Bonus Points
U9 - - -
U10 - - -
U11 65 40 1
U12 65 40 1
U13 70 45 1.25
U14 70 45 1.25
U15 80 50 1.25
U16 80 50 1.25
U17 90 55 1.5
U18/19 90 55 1.5
Age Center Assistant Bonus Points
U9 60 - 0.75
U10 60 - 0.75
U11 70 - 1
U12 70 - 1
U13 70 35 1
U14 70 35 1
U15 80 40 1.25
U16 80 40 1.25
U17 90 45 1.5
U18 90 45 1.5
U19 90 45 1.5
Age Center Assistant Bonus Points
U13 75 50 1.5
U14 75 50 1.5
U15 90 60 1.75
U16 90 60 1.75
U17 90 60 2
U18/19 90 60 2.00
Age Center Assistant Bonus Points
U12 70 35 1
U13 90 45 1.25
U15 90 45 1.25
Age Center Assistant Bonus Points
1-ref 65 n/a 1
Total Bonus Points Bonus Amount
6 $70
10 $90
15 $120
20 $150
25 $180
30 $215
35 $250
40 $290
45 $330
50 $370
55 $410
65 $450
75 $500
85 $550








* Referees who officiate 25 or more NCSL matches are eligible for an additional $200 bonus from NCSL.

Bonus payments are calculated seasonally, and issued according to the schedule below:

Fall: after Loudoun Premier Cup through end of Fall Rec/Travel season (end of August through mid November)
Winter: after Fall Rec season through College Showcase (end of November through beginning of March)
Spring: after College Showcase through end of Spring Rec/Travel season (mid March through mid June)
Summer: after Spring Rec/Travel season through Premier Cup (late June through late August)

Questions? Please contact our Referee Assignor, Tammy Mitchell, at

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